
Showing posts from April, 2017

Of Doctors, violence and entrances

"There are only two kinds of doctors. Those who practise wtih their brains, and those who practise with their tongues."- William Osler.   I am an anesthesiologist. My job is to drug people to unconsciousness, as surgeons cut through muscles and vessels, correcting the diseased process. Most of the days I am happy with the specialty, I have pursued. Being an introvert, I do not find listening and talking to a patient, my forte. My lack of this envious skill is compensated by putting the anxious patients to sleep. As they begin pouring out their avalanche of concerns, sometimes even unnecessarily, I inject medicine into their blood stream numbing their senses to deep slumber. The process is quick and effective antidote to my reticent demeanor. As the patients open their eyes, they are already in the recovery room, under the able care of post anesthesia personnel. The certainty of pharmacology to some extent, helps my poor soft skills. In other words, it is